The Interview Series, Volume 1
Interviews by Ty Schwamberger
Assistant Vice President,
Member Solutions
In my last blog article, I spoke about why Buckeye is different and the reasons why we consider our members and each other family. So, I figured it was time for you to meet the Member Solutions team and find out for yourself. Below are brief interviews with each member of the team so you can learn more about them. Hope you enjoy!
Ty: Thanks for taking time out of your busy day to answer a few questions. Let’s start out with an easy one. How long have you been at Buckeye and what makes you keep coming back each day?
Connie: It will be five years on June 26th that I have been with Buckeye. The 1st year I was a PT teller, and then came over to the collection/member solutions team. I really like the family/work balance, I am able to have at Buckeye. I have never worked for a company that actually allows you to put your family first.
Ty: How do you feel about our department recently changing its ‘name’ from “Collections” to Member Solutions, why is it or isn’t it a good fit?
Connie: I think it is great we changed it to Member Solutions. Some people when they hear the word collections, they just cringe. Member Solutions to me it means we are trying to help and work with the Member to help find a solution for them and their financial hardships or problems. Also when we come up with a solution, and hopefully we are saving Buckeye from losing money.
Ty: Why is helping our members important to you?
Connie: I have spoke to so many people that have problems and it makes me feel great when I can help them solve some of their financial worries. We all need a little help now and then, and sometimes they just need a understanding person to listen to them.
Ty: Ok, last one. What do you enjoy doing in your free time away from the office?
Connie: My husband and I like to take day trips on my days off. we try to find a quant restaurant to enjoy. We also like to visit our 3 adult children and 11 grandchildren, that live in 3 different towns, and trying to attend all their different school/sporting events. In the fall you will always catch us in southern Ohio watching our son coach his high school football team.
Ty: Thanks for taking time out of your day to answer a few questions. Let’s get into it. How long have you been at Buckeye, and have you always been in the Member Solutions department?
Trey: I’ve been with Buckeye a little of two years now. No, I’ve only been in Member Solutions since September of 2021.
Ty: Why is helping our members important to you?
Trey: The main reason is because I’ve been in their shoes for a long time. Members don’t want someone to tell them what they already know. They need someone who has ideas, real genuine concern, and at the same time a sense of realness for their issues. They want to feel important enough that what they’re going through matters to someone. These are all the things that Buckeye has shown me being that member and yeah- now it’s even more important that I pass that along.
Ty: We talk quite often at Buckeye about being empathic to a member’s situation. Do you feel that can sometimes be a challenge due to the department you work in?
Trey: It can be very hard and challenging at times. Since the dawn of “Collections” there have been a stigma that left a bad taste with the general populous. I’ve learned that instead of trying to fight that stigma, we at Buckeye made it our focus. Member Solutions is the new wave. We now set the standard that if you work with us, we’ll work with you and no matter the problem, we’re here to help.
Ty: Ok, last one. If you could be a superhero, who would you be and why?
Trey: I’ve always thought of myself as a chunky wolverine. It sounds weird but ever since I was little, I’ve been accident prone. Twenty eight years and I broken ninety four bones and have had 11 surgeries and not once, did I think that “I need to take it easy.”
Ty: Thanks for taking a few minutes out of your day. How long have you been at Buckeye and what is it about this place that makes it a special one to you?
Julie: I started with Buckeye in October 2020. It’s special to me because of my coworkers and I get the chance to make a positive impact on our member’s lives. We don’t just tell them “Yes” or “no.” We embrace the gray areas and allow our members and each other to succeed.
Ty: What we do day in and day out in Member Solutions isn’t always easy. What does a ‘typical’ conversation look like when trying to help our members through a difficult time?
Julie: I listen to what they have to say, and I don’t judge them for what they are going through. I ask the open-ended questions and sometimes I must give the hard to hear answers. Finding the root cause of why they got behind is key. Most problems can be solved just by talking it and thinking outside the box to find a solution that will keep our relationship mutually beneficial.
Ty: You’ve been in the ARM (accounts receivable management) industry for a while now. Why did you choose this to be your profession?
Julie: I got my degree in accounting and worked for a mid-size corporation for a few years auditing their stores, but the travel got to be a bit much after I had my daughter, so I took a job with a friend of mine at a finance company underwriting loans and collections. I enjoyed the fast pace and never knowing what each day would bring. It was never my intention to continue in this field, and at times I miss the quiet of a Profit and Loss Statement, but I enjoy the challenge.
Ty: Ok, enough of the serious stuff. If you were a bird, what kind would you be and why?
Julie: Why did it have to be a bird? They are terrifying, but if I must pick one, I guess I will go with a Snowy Owl. Mostly because it was on the list for most dangerous birds, but it was also the best looking one.
A huge thank you once again to Connie, Trey, and Julie for taking the time to answer my serious and sometimes downright silly questions. I think our members will enjoy learning about the person behind the voice they hear on the phone and then hopefully feel more at ease to reach out to one of you if they’re ever going through some sort of financial hardship. ~Ty
Buckeye State Credit Union appreciates all our members and we will do everything possible to help our members in times of need. We understand things happen in life, whether it’s an unexpected expense, a change in job status or any other major life event, that can put a strain on one’s finances. However, if you don’t let us know there has been a change in circumstance, then let your account go past due, it becomes more difficult to help you.
This is why it is essential you contact our Member Solutions department and let us know as soon as possible when you believe you might be late or miss a payment on your account. The best phone number to call when this type of situation arises is (330) 253-9197 (then select Option 5) or you can email us at
We can then work together to find a solution that works for both you and Buckeye.
Please remember, we value your business and are here to help you. Don’t EVER hesitate to reach out at the above number and let us know if you believe there might be a late or missed payment on your account.